New MBK Matches!
Please see the email from CoCo ( for the final list for ALL the AWESOME MBK matches, as well as next steps!!
Required next steps ONLY FOR MBK FELLOWS (Must be completed by 11/5/2021):
- Confirm Schedule: All MBK fellows please confirm your availability presented on schedule All MBK fellows with a TBD on the schedule column are “returning BIGS” and need to submit the weekday they would like to attend the school at the time slot provided above
- Complete BPS CORI (takes 5 mins to complete): ALL MBK fellows will need to complete the BPS eCori form using this link: BPS CORI instructions: For NON-Employee Field please choose OTHER and fill in: Big brother Big Sister mentor for the My Brothers Keepers program For Volunteer Location field please pick the option: Partner- Big brother Big Sister
- Provide Proof of vaccination: All MBK fellows will also need to submit proof of vaccination prior to first outing at the school (Please email your vaccination cards: after you have submitted your BPS CORI)
- Attend Match meeting: All NEW MBK fellow matches are required to attend match introductions with their Dever littles on Friday 11/5 @ 1pm (During the MBK meeting) Zoom link for meeting:
All MBK Fellows should reply to the email by Friday 11/5 to confirm your schedule and provide a picture of your vaccination card after completing the BPS CORI! Be sure you are only emailing me (! Any questions please feel free to email/text or call me at (857)313-9149.
All Matches (Brothers and Fellows) Please be sure to keep an eye out for any and all emails with program information/updates from Jordan Cherry ( as well as your BBBS Match support Advocate Shauntelle (